How Blown-In Insulation Contributes to Sustainable Living
Published on March 11, 2024
As more and more homeowners prioritize sustainable living, home upgrades become a must. One upgrade that can make a long-term difference in your home is installing blown in insulation in your attic. At EcoComfort Insulation, we know it’s not just about updating your attic insulation in Mississauga it’s about living a sustainable life.
Blown-in insulation is an environmentally friendly type of insulation that is often made from recycled fiberglass, cellulose, rock or wool fiber. It can be efficiently installed by the EcoComfort Insulation team often within a day and typically lasts upwards of 20 years.
Read on to learn more about the environmental benefits of using blown-in insulation.
Blown-in Insulation and Energy Efficiency
As the weather outside changes, the temperature in your home should always stay the same. Ideally, the insulation in your attic will act as a barrier within your home that keeps warm air out during the summer, and in during the winter. However, if you have poorly installed or dated attic insulation, maintaining that climate can become difficult. As a result, your heating and cooling systems can end up working harder than necessary to overcompensate for the inefficiencies of your attic insulation. Essentially, poor attic insulation can cost you dearly when it comes to energy efficiency.
Blown-In Insulation and Carbon Footprint Reduction
Not only does blown-in insulation help you to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle, it is itself an environmentally friendly product! Most blown-in insulators are made of recycled products and sustainably sourced so that you can reduce your carbon footprint just by choosing it. To learn more about how EcoComfort Insulation’s cellulose blown-in insulation is created, contact the team today for more details.
Blown-In Insulation and Cost Savings
By using the team of professionals at EcoComfort Insulation to upgrade your attic to blown-in insulation, you can start saving on your energy almost immediately. As well, since maintaining the temperature of your home will require far less from your heating and AC system, you’ll also be able to save on their wear and tear. Extending the time between repairs, and in turn, extending their lifespan, can have a great impact on your wallet over time. Similarly, since blown-in attic insulation can last decades, you can also save on having to upgrade your insulation over and over again.
Blown-In Insulation and Indoor Air Quality
Due to our climate, proper attic insulation in Mississauga is a must. Without it, your attic can become susceptible to mold growth. This can have a very serious impact on the residents of your home. Inhabitants can experience symptoms such as skin irritants, light-headedness and even difficulty breathing. When you choose blown-in insulation installed by EcoComfort Insulation, you can rest easy knowing your attic upgrade is guaranteed by a team of professionals.
Upgrade to Blown-In Insulation With EcoComfort
When you’re upgrading your home, EcoComfort Insulation believes you shouldn’t have to choose between living sustainably and living comfortably. By choosing EcoComfort Insulation to install blown-in attic insulation, you’re making the choice to reduce your impact on the environment, knowing your finished insulation job is guaranteed by an experienced team of insulation experts.