Benefits of Installing Cellulose Attic Insulation in Mold Prone Properties
Published on January 20, 2022
As a completely enclosed space, the attic often becomes a perfect environment for mold to grow and thrive. As a result, many conventional attic insulation products are prone to mold outbreaks. But with attics equipped with blown-in cellulose attic insulation, a product that’s specially treated to resist mold, the risk of mold infiltration in the attic cavity and attic insulation in Toronto is significantly reduced. The primary requisite for preventing mold in any space is to control moisture accumulation. And while some insulation products might be a good food source for mold, cellulose insulation does not provide a favourable food source or a hospitable living space (unless there’s a flood or water leak).
For cellulose attic insulation in Toronto, homeowners benefit most when choosing a high-quality product and a professional installation. At EcoComfort Insulation & Contracting, our team specializes in installing blown-in cellulose insulation and delivering performance results year after year.
The Problem with Attic Mold
Once mold has infested the attic, it can affect the physical structure, the effectiveness of insulation, and even compromise air quality throughout the home. When mold has established itself in the attic and roof cavity, it’s not uncommon for mold spores to spread and affect indoor air quality. And while serious air quality issues are rare, nobody wants mold spores to infiltrate a home through the HVAC system. The problem, of course, is that there’s sometimes a risk of potential health problems.
Professional Attic Inspection
Because the attic and roof cavity is out of sight in most homes, mold growth can also remain hidden from sight. Amongst other things, a professional attic inspection will check air moisture levels and air ventilation – both elements that could contribute to mold growth. The idea behind a thorough attic inspection is to identify mold growth before there’s a spread. As well, a professional attic inspection can recommend fixes in the attic that would prevent mold growth and development in future.
Preventing Mold in the Attic
The key to preventing attic mold is to optimize air ventilation, fix existing roof leaks, and reduce any chance of moisture accumulation. As for insulation, blown-in cellulose is a great option for preventing mold since it’s not a hospitable environment for growth. Blown-in cellulose, along with air sealing and air ventilation, is the ideal recipe for controlling moisture in the attic. With a professional installation, the attic environment remains clean and dry, thus preventing any chance for mold to develop.
Attic Insulation Upgrades from EcoComfort Insulation & Contracting
For homeowners who suspect mold in the attic, EcoComfort Insulation & Contracting provides a professional inspection and assessment as a first step. We identify the source of the mold outbreak and recommend various remedies. For attic insulation in Toronto, the experts at EcoComfort typically recommend blown-in cellulose. Blown-in cellulose attic insulation provides excellent coverage, along with satisfactory R-Values, and built-in resistance to mold.
In addition to providing excellent long-term performance, cellulose insulation is not a hospitable home for mold to grow. And when existing insulation is clean and dry, blown-in cellulose can successfully be installed as a “top up” application.